TÍTULO / TITLE: A cero.5

AÑO / YEAR: 2021



DIRECTOR / DIRECTOR: Gonzalo Suárez Garayo


Gonzalo quiere ser director de cine, sueña con dirigir comedias. En 2006 su vida se para, sufre un accidente de tráfico que le causa una lesión medular. A los pocos días estando encamado, pide prestada una cámara de vídeo y a modo de auto-terapia comienza a filmar todo lo que le ocurre, comienza su vida a 0.5 metros del suelo. Cuando el estado da por terminada su rehabilitación, regresa a su ciudad natal. Tiene dos opciones: quedarse parado o continuar su vida en un travelling eterno. Para no estar solo decide practicar baloncesto en silla de ruedas en el famoso club vigués AMFIV, y su historia da un giro copernicano. Descubre un universo nuevo para él en este deporte profesional, un mundo que aún no ha sido filmado desde dentro.

Gonzalo wants to be a film director, he dreams of directing comedies. In november 2006 his life stopped in a traffic accident that caused him a spinal cord injury. A few days after he was bedridden, he borrowed a video camera and as self-therapy began to film everything that happened to him, beginning his life 0.5 meters above the ground. When the state terminates his rehabilitation, he returns to his hometown. He has two options: stay put or continue his life in an eternal traveling. In order not to be alone, he decides to practice wheelchair basketball at the famous club AMFIV, and his story takes a Copernican turn. Discover a new universe for him in this professional sport, a world that has not yet been filmed from the inside.